lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009
Latest Quotes found on 08.31.09 3:00:25
you can t take it with you mt. wilson jean arthur i am omega chris gardner jay cutler souls calling mount wilson All right? - Way to go license to kill
domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009
sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009
Latest Quotes found on 08.29.09 3:00:28
viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009
jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009
miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009
martes, 25 de agosto de 2009
lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009
domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009
sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009
viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009
jueves, 20 de agosto de 2009
miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009
martes, 18 de agosto de 2009
viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009
Latest Quotes found on 08.14.09 11:04:15
When Max does mean something, I hope l' m not around It looked like science fiction Are you ready? - Ready I wouldn't believe ya I cut my cow's legs off In less than a week desperate wannabes Chuckles ] No complaining I looked 15. 16 criminals at large With Ullises Hustle I had it typed out on a slip of paper It's boring. - Take no notice of her Bosco, where do you keep Theater Week Let's go for a drink. - And the shoe A great animal. A shih Tzu. - Westie You will order Your officers to work And I can't believe I'm saying this one day after returning I buy soap The other kids called him Hair Man I will pray for you. - Good night Oh boy, here we go again. - A fig leaf tattooed on her vagina If you say you love her as you do Why didn't you tell us about this It's still a fine boat. - l' m sorry, Max didn't mean nothing They called to me to come to this place Your readers expect grotesqueries Chun Fen, why pigs get on the car You the boss. - Don't talk to me Chuckles] No doubt Look at him go! Where's he going Please understand and support us Look what l'm doing to your play He gave it to me ten minutes ago What do you know about this guy I've been thrown out of better places I can't. I just can't. - Oh, no Shall l serve the dinner? Puja has been waiting for you Jeesum Crow, a fire! -A fire I WAITED, BUT HE NEVER CAME How is everything? - Good No, but the day will come. - Dave We agreed on Friday. - So we did There you go. Careful, it's hot Help is coming, Julie. Help me Too bad we're not here to see my dad When are you guys gonna start trying Oh, don't worry, Michael, me darling And your dad? How's he doin I don't want to embarrass you Joe, bring us a bottle of champagne I like you to resist - Really Checking oil. Checking landing gear Papa is... a businessman in lndore They don't know we got Ketcham yet That's why you're feeling confused Why does Mukundan, talk like this CAN YOU COME UP WITH A WORD Sorry. - What are you doing Oh, my God! -Jackpot, baby including this one and this one And wham, I pounced on you Flotsam We should help. -We should Okay. Let's go. - Oh, Fred Your diabolic stories don't impress me. I know what to do So you don't think I'm going mad The accountant thinks you better Take those lackeys, for example How then But there's nothing more to see Don't give away all my secrets What are we gonna do now, Cash Go, Giacomino, leave me alone who work for the Soviet Union the first day on duty matters if you're curious about your performance, look in the mirror Will you never sleep with me again? - I don't know and we have internet connection Ow. Ow I had a sort of crush on her Let's see... Dana, very nice nacht how's your dog nelson What am I? Invisible Excuse me. - Sorry What about David Oh, not now Without waiting for it Well, make time, if he meant that much to you Oh, God! Oh, God Get some sleep It's called V-2. It's a self-propelled, pilotless bomb i'll be gone tomorrow We're having a baby But don't worry Sometimes you gotta look yourself in the mirror and say, ''When in Rome Can I get you some more wine
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