martes, 16 de febrero de 2010
Latest Quotes found on 02.15.10 19:43:20
This here's the gas. You push her... - Down I knew a woman called Bannion years ago in New York. Carol Bannion You want to stay pretty, don't you You are a terrible risk above fray Joseph Sullivan You haven't heard the end of this, either. I... Huxley I' m not lying . I haven't seen him . I don't know where he is Oh, my eye? ItÂ's nothing, itÂ's getting better Come on, I can take criticism... - Well... I don't... really Oh baby, I'm too lost in you All right, Paul, I'll help. Fuck you. Nobody helps me For someone like you I charge nothing He went out. - Is he coming back here lf l ever met a girl who needs a friend Starfish Who cares if we build a road Oh, now the moon's out Woman] Praise the Lord Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up a minute that your face looks troubled Sometimes I wish I could be pretty like that to trade insults with me on the state of the morning I assure you I'm not. I feel ancient I mean, you don't look like one You're very pretty when you're off work, Ruthie My friend thinks you're very pretty and just get down-home comfortable I'm here to do an interview with that Dr. Russell See? That's what I want for tomorrow There's a coach comin' in There's a coach comin You know, Claudette I left Turin when I was just a young girl You go. - Yeah, why am I always so damned smart It feels like I've known him forever You can see I'm right, can't you I knew what I wanted to say, but somehow it slipped my mind Not at all. Besides, it feels like I've known you forever I knew that there was something wrong with me I appreciate you staying for dinner, all right Me and a thousand ranking cops from all over America Sandy, maybe you should... talk to him requires a greater knowledge of the black arts than I can claim This button is mine. Remember You didn't have to call me, ma'am It would be nice to meet some new people Okay. Our position is that the reaI worry for you guys the bomb will be detonated by radio See, me In fact, I now sit exactly where your father sat You know what the beauty part is? We can always come back together again it's a nice day out I'm the type of man who believes rainy days should be spent indoors Taking a walk, are you...? What are you upto Shouting and chanting in native language Know what this situation calls for l would like to... Oh, listen, Ellen, you'd better get lots of sandwiches Of course, you will. Otherwise, I'll sue you If I remember my history correctly, Caesar got over it We'll get drunk, go nuts... Just you and me He made me eat like a dog... and didn't even let me have a drink of water Over there... over there, come on Hey, Roland, how about we get outta here You under arrest, sugar All right, then, Stanley, come on, let's get down here and take it from the top You see that fat bastard? That's Nacho Contreras Does being living, what the Russia work You've sent a gift but you're not coming Well, Doctor, he's intelligent, charming To the red car, over there, move it U.F.O.? It's better sitting on hands If you're gonna waste it on a bird Was he African? - African That's what they told me down at the church What for? Look, just get it and come on out front, okay sat on hands no, no, leave your bag there... close the door, close it Of course, the guard. What became of him Look. Go inside Lieberman's here, there's a phone booth on the right No, no, listen, I want you to be Don't scold him. We didn't come for that I'm singing in this club tomorrow. Come What? Tomorrow night Why all these people are here? Huh Just move down. Move down a little lower Now, I'm gonna take you home on a ship. It's over there. You see it Jeez, why do I always have to save your shit your pants If more hajis were getting quality pussy but my social life unwisely loaned a large sum of money to finance a shipment of tea to the American colonies We're all set? - Looks like we got one more that was so gay go to hell! - Enough I'm catching the night train for Chicago The cat's name is Nick. Now There's nothing wrong with ''crap.'' - Really? I thought that was a swear l don't know. We never got around to that